Learn about the Gemstone Tiger’s Eye and its use in Jewelry

The tiger’s eye which is also called “tiger eye” is a chatoyant gemstone. This means that it has a changeable luster or color with a narrow band of white light. It is a metamorphic rock with golden red-brown color, opaque transparency, and a silky luster. It is related to the blue-colored mineral hawk’s eye. Both quartz groups with their silky, shiny look are with the intergrowth of quartz crystals and fibers that transform into limonite. 

The meaning of Tigers Eye is self-confidence and inner strength.

There are different types of Tigers Eye which include:

  • Multi-colored tiger’s eye
  • Yellow and Gold tiger’s eye
  • Blue Tigers eye
  • Red Tiger’s eye

The various types mainly refer to the various color patterns you could find in a certain gemstone, but each has a unique spiritual significance and can be found in various places.


In the early lapidaries, the descriptions of gemstones are regarding their powers. Although, the tiger’s eye was generally not included. Tiger’s Eye was very uncommon throughout most of history since the primary deposits are in South Africa and western Australia. However, Tiger’s Eye’s characteristic flash, together with its general accessibility and cost, have made it possible for its metaphysical capabilities to be extensively investigated in recent times.

The term “tiger’s eye” refers to the bands that run across it, which resemble a tiger’s eye. In the early 1800s, mineralogists found the tiger’s eye in western South Africa. When examining the blue version of the stone known as “Hawks Eye” in 1873, German mineralogist Ferdinand Wibel discovered that the gemstone is almost completely composed of quartz with threads of crocidolite. The tiger’s eye was thought to be a pseudomorph – a crystal consisting of one mineral but having the form of another that it has replaced. Mineralogist Peter J. Heaney discovered flawless, column-shaped quartz crystals reaching more than one hundred micrometers wide and up to ten millimeters in length, proving this to be inaccurate. This shows that a so-called crack-seal process is used to generate the crystal structure of the tiger’s eye.

Where to find tiger’s eye gemstone?

Common countries that source tiger’s eye include:

  • Australia
  • Burma
  • Namibia
  • India
  • United States
  • Brazil
  • China
  • Canada
  • Spain
  • Korea

Popular usage of Tigers Eye Gemstones

  • Place it in the home for balance
  • Wear Tigers Eye for protection
  • Use for root chakra healing

Tigers Eye Gemstone used as a jewelry


Keeping gemstones near the skin is one of the best methods to maximize their use. As the vibrations on bare skin flow directly into one’s energy source, wearing gemstone jewelry is one of the finest methods to absorb the potent therapeutic powers of various stones.

Tiger’s Eye rings, bracelets, and pendants are all common accessories made from stone. The best results may come from wearing a bracelet or ring since it keeps the stone closer to the naval and root chakras, where it operates in perfect harmony and a lower position on the body. Tiger’s Eye’s healing qualities also make it helpful for people with joint pain or fractured bones. Along with being put on an altar to reflect on one’s spiritual practices, stones can also be utilized for manifestation practice and attentive meditation.

Tiger Eye Gemstone is used in Homes and Office Feng Shui

When trying to create a harmonious home and workplace feng shui atmosphere, Tiger’s Eye, a stone known for its total cleaning and defensive properties, makes an outstanding amulet. Feng Shui is concerned with establishing a Zen-like atmosphere in your house and employing layout and space to establish harmony and clarity of mind. Tiger’s Eye is very helpful for any type of workplace or workstation in Feng Shui since it promotes fine concentration, provides a deeper degree of understanding of difficult circumstances, and helps overcome procrastination to complete the task at hand.

The Tiger’s Eye gemstone is well known for grounding emotions, attracting luck, and eliminating worries in the home environment and for harmonizing Feng Shui vibrations, making the home a secure refuge from the outer world.

Using the Tiger’s Eye as a protective amulet and putting it near the front entrance or a window is one of the ideal places to combine Feng Shui with the Tiger’s Eye. It also makes sense to hide a Tiger’s Eye in the child’s room or nursery if the parent has kids and wants to show off their tigress side to defend the cubs.

Three Interesting facts about Tiger Eye Gemstone

  1. Tiger’s eye is still used as a protective stone and was worn by Roman troops as armor during combat.
  2. According to legend, Tiger’s Eye may help you get clarity and operate a successful business.
  3. Tiger’s Eye is the Planetary stone for Gemini May 21 – June 20 and the accepted gem for the 9th wedding anniversary.

Is Tigers Eye Gemstone expensive?

Tiger’s eye is both costly and affordable. As confusing as it may seem, there are several kinds of tiger’s eye stones, some of which are more uncommon than others. For instance, Blue Tigers Eye is incredibly pricey since it is so uncommon. The honey tiger’s eye is also extremely rare and hence quite valuable. However, other varieties are more frequently discovered, such as red tiger’s eye or light brown tiger’s eye, which was the original stone that gave rise to the name. These stones no matter how they are used if they are more commonly mined and found around the world, they are often more affordable.

The quality, cut, and color of each piece can affect the price of a tiger’s eye. There are common stones that simply cost a few dollars and rare jewels that sell for thousands of dollars. For rarer cabochons, the price per carat can be as high as $1 or $2.

How to tell if Tigers Eye Gemstone is real?

When held up to the light, a Tiger’s Eye should exhibit the cat’s eye effect that the name suggests. Being a cabochon and a member of the quartz family, the yellow band should appear to be moving when the stone is tilted under the light. When held up to the light, the true tiger’s eye has a silvery color and a glossy glass-like shine. It should also be glass hard.


Tiger’s Eye gemstone which is beautiful and powerful is recognized for its healing and protective properties. This gemstone attracts good luck and prosperity and is suitable when you need the energy to take action on time and with enthusiasm.